

所属医院:北京丰台长峰医院美容皮肤科  更新日期:2024-02-17 14:58:54

黎达 北京丰台长峰医院美容皮肤科

北京丰台长峰医院医生 黎达

北京丰台长峰医院医生 黎达

黎达 副主任医师

毕业院校:湖北医学院 北京丰台长峰医院激光科主任、北京中联长峰血管瘤研究院研究员,曾在武汉大学口腔医学院、南京大学口腔医学院、上海交通大学第九人民医院进修血管瘤专业,多次参加国内外血管瘤和脉管畸形的学术研讨会。

从事血管瘤专业近二十年,熟练掌握血管瘤领域的各种诊疗方法和技术,临床治愈600余例血管瘤、脉管畸形病例。先后参与军队科技课题“高频电极微创治疗海绵状血管瘤(静脉畸形)1400 例疗效观察”的研究工作和国家自然科研基金课题:与北京大学分子医学研究所合作开展血管瘤病因学研究---- 血管瘤基因筛查,取得了阶段性成果。撰写的《彩超定位下应用平阳霉素治疗小儿静脉、微静脉畸形140 例临床观察》、《彩超引导微创介入治疗肝血管瘤60 例总结》等血管瘤论文10 余篇,先后在《中华医药学杂志》、《湖北中医学院学报》、《全科医学杂志》等医学杂志上发表,并产生了较大的影响。

Li Da , Associate Chief Physician Graduate From: Hubei Medical University. He is the deputy director of Beijing Fengtai Changfeng Hospital hemangioma bureau, the researcher of Beijing Zhonglian Changfeng international angioma Research Institute, once at the Wuhan University School of dental medicine, Nanjing University School of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ninth People's Hospital, hemangioma, participated in the domestic and foreign he mangiomas and vascular malformations of the aca demic seminar.

Engaged in hemangioma professional nearly twenty years, proficient in hemangioma fields of various treatment methods and techniques, clinical cure more than 600patients with hemangiomas, vascular malformations. Has been involved in military science and technology subject" high frequency electrode of minimally invasive treatment of cavernous hemangioma ( AVM )1400example curative effect observation " the research work and the national natural scientific fund projects with Peking University: Institute of molecular medicine cooperation he mangioma etiology study of he mangioma gene screening, obtained level sex positive result.Write" color Doppler positioning of Pingyang in children treated by vein, venular malformation : clinical observation of 140 cases"," color Doppler ultrasound guided minimally invasive interventional treatment of liver hemangioma report of 60 cases of hemangioma" and so on more than 10 papers, in" Chinese medicine magazine"," Journal of Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine"," medical journal". Journal of medicine, and had a greater impact.


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