

作者:曹丽娜  日期:2012-11-25 15:21:31



发言人:上海交大医学院附属第九人民医院整形外科主任医师 林晓曦


林晓曦,上海交大医学院附属第九人民医院整形外科主任医师,博士生导师,兼院激光治疗中心副主任。中华医学会医学美学与美容学分会常务委员、上海分会候任主委、中华医学会整形外科分会血管瘤与脉管学组组长、中华整形美容协会微创与皮肤美容分会副会长等职,另担任《Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 》审稿人、《中华整形外科杂志》等五本整形专业杂志常务主编及编委。



Introduction:What is the latest advancement of facial rejunvenation in nonsurgical therapy and surgical approach? How to promote the cooperation and keep the balance in the evaluation and selection between the two fast moving areas? How to select between the aggressive marketing and evidence-based efficacy?

Materials and methods:Many new nonsurgical techniques have enjoyed increasing popularity in treatment of a variety of skin conditions including aging face, such as laser and energy-based treatments, and filler injections with the fast developments of new devices and fillers. However, no single therapy can have all of the desired characteristics. Not only plastic surgeons but also cosmetic dermatologists should know the new concepts and new developments, clinical overview and analysis of unsolved problems in surgical facial rejuvenation because understanding of advantages and disadvantages of one procedure over another is extremely helpful in guiding the patient to an informed decision. Various techniques of face-lift have widely utilized and we are trying to deeply understand them, such as direct rhytidectomy, skin-only face lift, SMASplatysma flap face lift, composite face lift, deep-plane face lift, subperiosteal face lift SMAS placation, SMASectomy, SMAS imbrications and suture suspension face lift with normal or barbed/anchored suspension sutures.

Result:We can conclude that younger patients scored higher after simple procedures, while older patients scored higher after complex procedures.

Analysis:Do the cosmetic surgeons consider the deeper, longer, and wider procedures consistently yield better results? Who are the best candidates of limited-incision facelifts, as a trend, with less invasive, shorter recovery time, less anesthesia, more attractive to patients and potentially more limited results?Discussion How to combine and select all the surgical face lift techniques and nonsurgical treatments in Asian? We should always learn and understand the philosophy, techniques, instrumentation, functional and the aesthetic concerns longer lasting and more desirable results, which always change with the time. We should always work for the better randomized, prospective, controlled studies because of lack of standardized method of efficacy analysis with objective comparison of face-lift techniques, lack of quality data in comparing among techniques. We need to evaluate and select between not only aggressive marketing, but also evidence-based efficacy.

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